科研教学论文: [1]庞桂斌, 张保祥, 张双. 黄河三角洲地区农业用水水平分析[J]. 350vip8888新葡的京集团学报(自然科学版), 2014, 28(6): 416-420. [2]Gui-bin Pang, Yan Li, Zheng-he Xu, Huan-zhi Gao. Calibration and Evaluation of ORYZA2000 under Water and Nitrogen managements [J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, (641-642): 246-250. [3]Pang, G. B., Xu,Z. H. , Zhang, S. . Optimization of irrigation mode with brackish water for winter wheat in shallow groundwater areas based on FEFlOW model[J]. Progress in Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering, ICCAHE 2015, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), 2016. [4]Pang, G. B. , Zhang, S. . Agricultural water saving zoning and suitable water saving measures in the Yellow River Delta[J]. Progress in Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering, ICCAHE 2015, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), 2016. [5]庞桂斌, 杨士红, 徐俊增. 节水灌溉稻田水肥调控技术试验研究[J]. 节水灌溉, 2015, 9, 44-47. [6]庞桂斌, 张立志, 王通, 赵志强, 徐征和. 微咸水灌溉作物生理生态响应与调节机制研究进展[J]. 350vip8888新葡的京集团学报(自然科学版), 2016, 30(4): 250-255. [7]庞桂斌, 张双, 傅新, 徐征和. 黄河三角洲地区农业节水分区与适宜节水模式[J]. 中国农村水利水电, 2016, 4, 21-24. [8]庞桂斌, 徐征和, 刘培成, 郝爱鑫. 黄河三角洲地区冬小麦微咸水灌溉制度模拟[J]. 人民黄河, 2016, 38(8): 140-144. [9]Shuang Zhang, Guibin Pang. Studies on Construction Technical System of Ecological Irrigation District in the Lower Yellow River Basin[J]. 13th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, GCMM 2016, MATEC Web of Conferences, 100(2017): 1-4. [10]G.B. Pang, Z.H. Xu. Effects of water and fertilizer managements on content and distribution of phosphorus in different parts of rice plants[J]. 5th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering, ICCAHE 2016, ATLANTIS PRESS, (95): 566-573. [11]庞桂斌, 徐征和, 杨士红, 徐俊增. 控制灌溉水稻叶片水分利用效率影响因素分析[J]. 农业机械学报, 2017, 48(4): 233-241. [12]庞桂斌, 徐征和, 王海霞, 张立志, 王天宇. 微咸水灌溉对冬小麦光合特征及产量的影响[J]. 灌溉排水学报, 2018, 37 (1): 35-41. |